About Us

Our aim

In order to feed the rapidly increasing population in the world, with the quest to get more crops from the soil, the artificial fertilizers and pesticides started to destroy the mineral and vitamin values of the soils, and the nutritional values of the food we eat began to decrease, and at this rate, the diseases in humans began to accelerate.

It has now been effectively proven that diseases from Alzheimer’s to Obesity, Autism to Cancer are due to our inability to get enough phytonutrients from the food we eat. With Organic Fertilizer, we aim to find the real roots of the soils and to increase the health and nutrition quality in the world…

As Ibn Sina said; “Let food be your medicine, and food be your medicine.”
Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission

To produce organic fertilizers used in all fields of agriculture and to make a more livable world, with the awareness that the future of the world is in healthy organic agriculture, due to our love for people, soil, plants, animals and the environment, which are the components of nature.

Our Vision

By producing Organic Fertilizer in the field of agriculture, as AZEFARM, in line with customer satisfaction and needs, to become the quality and market leader in Turkey and in the world in production and supply chain.

About Us

A livable world in the future depends on maintaining the balance and cycle of natural ecosystems, developing ecological farming methods and maintaining food security. The basis of organic farming systems is to increase the sustainability and productivity of the soil.

The basis of organic plant nutrition, which has an important place in sustainable agricultural production systems with an ecological approach, is the improvement of the soil by using organic matter. Increasing ecological pollution and diseases have made it necessary to produce organic fertilizers in order to restore nature, which has been destroyed by human beings, and to continue living by using nature in a healthy way. Vermicompost production is very useful in increasing the amount of organic matter in our country’s soils and other countries’ soils, which have a very low organic matter ratio.

With the use of vermicompost, which is an organic fertilizer, the aim is to provide better, more yield and more income to the agricultural sector and its operators. Organic agriculture not only protects human health, but also protects the world, which is our living space.